Subject: GARDEN: V1.1 Gardening Bus. Author: Peter Redei (Redei Enterprises) Uploaded By: Redei Date: 12/17/1995 File: GARDEN11.EXE (1973489 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 8 minutes Download Count: 1146 Needs: An UnZIPing Program & Windows 3.1 Keywords: Redei Enterprises, Business, Management, Material, Labor, Inventory, Landscape, Win31 Type: Shareware This archive includes the Visual Basic V3.0 runtime file. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL. New with this version: * Extended Greeting * Buy History with direct vendor and materials update * Reported bugs removed * Improved reporting with Query by Example * More detailed Help and User's Manual. GARDENING BUSINESS is a business management software for small businesses. It keeps track of customers and their orders, prices and supplier's information, material and labor requirements and cashflow. It automatically creates work orders, prints invoices and reports. It is designed for those small businesses where practically no inventory necessary, therefore provides no inventory control. Gardening Business can be used for any small business, where the requirements are similar to gardening and landscaping. It is free for a limited trial period. Notes: To install, run SETUP.EXE. GARDENING BUSINESS is free for a limited trial period. Documentation: GARDEN.WRI plus Online HELP Downloads for previous version: 105